Brinno Footage Used to Catch Local Lawbreakers

Brinno Footage Used to Catch Local Lawbreakers

đź“ŤAsia_The Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) has had their hands full monitoring a vacant lot near National...
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The Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) has had their hands full monitoring a vacant lot near National TaiwanUniversity of Sport in Taichung. This vacant lot had become infamous for local lawbreakers seeking to dispose of their unwanted household items and trash.


In order to monitor the area and prevent further littering, the EPA assigned up to six monitoring staff a day. Assigningstaff to physically monitor the area took lots of manpower and couldn’t be donereliably 24/7. Even with 6 staff, people were still finding ways to sneak ontothe property and dispose their trash, particularly at night.



After a couple of slip-ups, the EPA decided to adjust their monitoring strategy and set up a TLC200Pro time lapse camera monitor the vacant lot. With the help of the Brinno time lapse camera, 59 cases of illegal garbage dumping were caught and charged.


Currently, the EPA has set up 52 Brinno time lapse cameras across Taichung City.  The EPA uses time lapse as an efficient tool to compress hours of surveillance footage into a short few minutes clip. Time lapse allows staff to travel through time and quickly look through footage to identify instances of illegal activity.

The TLC200Pro time lapse camera comes equipped with a 42 day battery life (5min capture interval) and powerful HDR sensor that allows you to film brilliant time lapses even in low light conditions. This is an older camera model that only films in 720P. 

The TLC2020 is Brinno’s latest camera and has full HD (1080P) resolution. It is equipped with not only a more intuitive menu but also comes with a 99-day battery life (5min interval). It is the perfect solution for long-term monitoring.


Brinno’s wide range of adaptable waterproofing and mounting accessories provide endless opportunities for integrating time lapse into your monitoring activities.